The Struggle: SLAM Tour

Friday 27 April, 6.30-8.30pm, LAST Fridays Late opening

SLAM tour leader Adam Walker in conversation with Rachel Garfield at 6.30pm.

The SLAM April LAST Friday’s tour visits Kennington & Vauxhall, as chosen by a public vote. The tour will visit Beaconsfield, Greengrassi, Gasworks and the newly relocated Space Station Sixty-Five.

Assemble at Beaconsfield for a 6.30pm start. Tours are ‘pay what you like’. Find full information and booking instructions here.

Galleries open for an evening viewing of The Struggle as part of the South London Art Map LAST Fridays.

April’s Bankside Afterparty takes place at Hotel Elephant.

Image: Rachel Garfield, The Struggle, Part 1: The Straggle, video still


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