Amy Peace Buzzard

Amy Peace Buzzard

Stirring, Still. 2023, text on tea bag paper.

A tea stain on the counter, witness to my present. 

Material witness to a collective past. 2024, Aluminium.

I have been house sitting for my parents for the past week. 

There are sheets of kitchen roll everywhere. On all surfaces that could, that would, potentially rest a cup of tea. They follow me around their home. They inform me that our axis’ are repeating. That I am tracing paths that are theirs. Fridge, sink, kettle, cup, I follow.

Stirring, Still. and A tea stain on the counter, witness to my present. Material witness to a collective past. are connected works questioning my habitual tea making, highlighting colonial histories embedded within, whilst situating this habit generationally. I look towards my domestic surfaces as absorbing, present to this habitual act and its history. 

Kitchen roll catches the spill.