Atelier: artists at work on site

Tamsyn Challenger | David Crawforth | Judith Dean | Rachel Garfield | Bruce Gilbert | Naomi Siderfin | Caroline Wright

Saturday 22 & Sunday 23 September 2012, 11am-5pm

As part of Open House London

With the launch of the Beaconsfield venue in 1995 we pioneered what became an ongoing motif within the programme – open residency: experimental exhibitions during which artists developed their work in public – helping to demystify artistic process for visitors and giving artists direct access to their audiences.

During Open House weekend we gather projects in progress and artists currently engaged with Beaconsfield, for an ongoing public dialogue about the ideas which drive Beaconsfield: our model of open-residency and an emphasis on collaboration, experiment and mentoring.

Explore the venue as palimpsest through traces of past projects, permanent on-site artworks, resident artists, temporary installations and a series of live events:

Saturday 22 September
2pm: Worth its weight in gold: Caroline Wright, Judith Dean and Naomi Siderfin explore the conceptual architecture of Beaconsfield – all welcome to contribute
4pm: Hi-T: electroacoustics with David Crawforth

Sunday 23 September
2-4pm: Monoculture: Tamsyn Challenger leads a workshop with The East London Fawcett Group
3pm: Discussions in Place: Rachel Garfield and Naomi Siderfin continue The Struggle
4pm: Hi-T: electroacoustics with David Crawforth

The Ragged Canteen will be open all weekend serving Monmouth Coffee, Fairtrade teas and Cakehole Cakes, plus snack lunches on Saturday. 

This event forms part of Open House London 2012 – the 20th anniversary edition of London’s greatest architectural showcase. We’ve been taking part in this city-wide celebration of the buildings, places and spaces in which we live and work since 1995!

image: Rachel Garfield, The Struggle, in residence with Beaconsfield, May 2012