Beaconsfield at Embrace the Place: A Tate Local Event

Saturday 3 September, 1-5pm

Tate Britain, Millbank, London SW1


Join Beaconsfield and friends for a (free) cup of tea across the river at Tate Local’s outdoor event. Unlock the Character of the locality around Tate Britain by making a pot with Thames clay or engaging in topical conversation about gardening, archaeology, history, sustainability, criminal justice practice, film, music or art.

Michael Curran (artist/ film-maker)
Dr. Fiona Haughey (archaeologist and Director of Archaeology on the Thames Project. From 3pm)
Howard Jacques (musician/ philosopher and founder of These Records)
Edith Slee (artist/ potter/activist)
Stefan Szczelkun (artist/ historian engaged in the history of working-class artists with Gordon Joly and Simon Pope, QR code researchers)
Dafna Talmor (artist/ SpaceShip Earth project and instigator of the Living Roof at Beaconsfield)
Caroline Todd (artist/ painter and guerrilla gardener on Vauxhall Gardens Estate)
David Crawforth and Naomi Siderfin (artists/ founding directors of Beaconsfield)

Embrace The Place: Tablecloth

For one special day spaces and places around Tate Britain will blossom with extraordinary delights. Come and celebrate the neighbourhood with… music, dancing, barbecue, a string of  ‘Mini Urban Parks’ created in parking bays by up to 15 artists, a new route to the river, an alternative hanging garden by Andrew Kearney, games, craft, merry making, an outlandish man-powered vehicle parade by Francis Thorburn and music from bicycle-powered DJ’s and live folk from the award-winning Magpie’s Nest.

















  A Tate Local event in partnership with CityWest Homes Great Communities Day. Embrace the Place is produced by home live art in collaboration with Tate Britain.