Friday 26 April, 6-8pm

April LAST Fridays

One-off opportunity to see what PhD/MPhil researchers and their supervisors are painting in a salon of more than 40 works exhibited in the Upper Gallery from 6-8pm as part of the LAST Fridays late openings.

The exhibition is part of a one-day Visual Symposium to be staged at Beaconsfield by Paint Club Research Student Network, presenting a valuable opportunity for PhD researchers from around the UK to share their experiences. The PhD/MPhil researchers and their supervisors attending will each bring an artwork to the symposium.

University of the Arts London’s Paint Club was set up in 2012 to publicly explore and debate what it means to research Painting within the context of contemporary art practice.

This event forms part of the South London Art Map LAST Fridays.


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Image: Sarah Kate Wilson, Restless, 2012, Plastic balls, net on stretched canvas with aluminium, 100x125x20 cm approx, image courtesy the artist