Anssi Kasitonni receives the Below Zero Finnish Art Award 2025

Anssi Kasitonni has been selected as the fourth winner of the Below Zero 2025 Finnish Art Award. He says ‘I am absolutely thrilled to accept this amazing award! I am looking forward to discussing my proposal even further …’

Beaconsfield co-directors David Crawforth and Naomi Siderfin say: ‘Following an intense day of interviews with six diverse artists, the jury finally agreed unanimously, that Anssi Kasitonni would most benefit from the 2025 Below Zero Award. Despite his considerably distinguished career, Kasitonni’s parodic sculptural work has rarely been seen outside Finland, and we look forward to introducing this somewhat maverick artist to the British public’.

Pauli Sivonen comments: ‘This will only be Anssi’s second solo exhibition abroad. He is held in affection by the Finns since his artworks  speak very directly to the Finnish sensibility. It will be exciting to see how this artist responds to the London context and how the work translates’.

Read more here PRESS RELEASE

Nastja Säde Rönkkö’s Below Zero 2023 commission will be exhibited in Finland at Serlachius 8 September 2024 – 23 March 2025.

Below Zero Finnish Art Award 2025 shortlist

We would like to wholeheartedly thank all the artists that applied for the Below Zero Finnish Art Award 2025. The jury was bowled over by the number and quality of applications this year and we are pleased to announce the shortlisted artists as follows:

  • Saara Ekstrom
  • Anssi Kasitonni
  • Jaakko Pietilainen
  • Vappu Rossi
  • Shubhangi Singh
  • Maija Tammi.

Read more here PRESS RELEASE

Below Zero Finnish Art Award 2025

Below Zero, the unique UK-based contemporary art award for Finnish artists emerging on the international scene, returns to Beaconsfield, London in association with the Finnish Institute in the UK and Ireland and Serlachius Museums, Mänttä.

The Below Zero award is open to Finnish and Finland-based artists. Candidates will have studied art to degree level or equivalent in Finland or internationally and will be eligible for a visa in the UK. Selection is focused on artists who the jury feel would most benefit from a major commission and its solo exhibition in England and Finland.

Below Zero offers

  • 6-week London residency January-March 2025, followed by solo exhibition between March and May 2025 commissioned by Beaconsfield.
  • Solo exhibition of the Below Zero commission at Finland’s Serlachius Museums, Mänttä, in 2026 with costs covered and optional residency.

The award is worth over £20,000. This includes up to £12,000 earmarked for production (based on an agreed cost budget) and £5,700 to cover artist’s fee and subsistence. In addition, the artist is offered a mentored residency in London, international travel, accommodation, and exhibitions in London and Mänttä. A catalogue in both languages will accompany the Mänttä exhibition.

Below Zero offers something different. Artists are invited to propose a project that critically engages with an issue of our time; a project that will benefit from residency in London and might not otherwise be possible. Beaconsfield commissions are unique in their collaborative nature. Mentored residencies support artists to be brave and take risks. An objective of this creative support is to make the excitement of innovative practice accessible to all: an ambition that matches the founding principle of Serlachius Museums – that culture should not only be the privilege of those in capital cities.

Five shortlisted artists will receive £500 to develop their proposal over one month, after which the jury meet again to decide the winner.

Important dates in 2024

  • Wednesday 7 February: application portal opens.
  • Monday 8 April: application portal closes at 22.00 UK / 23.59 Finland.
  • Monday 6 May: shortlist announced and invited to develop full proposals (with fee).
  • Monday 17 June: shortlisted artists interviewed.
  • Thursday 20 June: Below Zero 2025 winner announced.
  • Week of 28 October: suggested artist research trip.

Below Zero Finnish Art Award 2025 Jury

David Crawforth, Co-director Beaconsfield London, Karoliina Korpilahti, Programme Director Arts, Finnish Institute UK+Ireland, Naomi Siderfin, Co-director, Beaconsfield London, Pauli Sivonen, Director, Serlachius Museums Finland, Hannele Tilles, Independent Curator.

For further information please email

Please click here to make your online application (portal now closed) 


See previous awards:

Below Zero 2023 commission Nastja Säde Rönkkö

Below Zero 2020 commission Tuula Närhinen

Below Zero 2018 commission Jonna Kina