Bodil Furu: This bird has flown (ii)

10 July – 10 August 2013 

Wednesday – Saturday, 11am–5pm

Exhibition extended until 30 August, Wednesday – Friday 11am-5pm only


A season of five films from Norwegian artist Bodil Furu probing effects of global economics on community dynamics. Includes premier of new work Den Gamle Kinoen, 2013.

Monica Ross: 1950 – 2013

We would like to express our sorrow at the sudden death on Friday 14 June of artist Monica Ross with whom Beaconsfield was privileged to work on a number of occasions over the past 20 years.

n.paradoxa salon: June 2013

Thursday 13 June 6-9pm

Registration essential

£5 entry fee

Please register with n.paradoxa

n.paradoxa: the international feminist art journal monthly Salon. A forum for professional women artists, curators and writers to meet.

n.paradoxa salon: May 2013

new monthly Salon in London

First date: Thursday 16 May 6-9pm
Registration essential
£5 entry fee
Please register with n.paradoxa

A forum for professional women artists, curators and writers to meet.


Judith Dean: In residence

16 May – 29 June 2013

Wednesday–Saturday, 11am-5pm

Judith Dean is in residence with Beaconsfield until November 2013. Installed in the Upper Space during May and June, Dean will be available to the public for conversation about her work in progress.


Friday 26 April, 6-8pm

April LAST Fridays

One-off opportunity to see what PhD/MPhil researchers and their supervisors are painting in a salon of more than 40 works exhibited in the Upper Gallery from 6-8pm as part of the South London Art Map LAST Fridays late openings.



Tamsyn Challenger: Monoculture

20 February – 13 April 2013 

exhibition extended until Sat 20 April or by appointment until Wed 24 April
Wednesday – Saturday, 11am-5pm

Venue-wide exhibition of new works developed during the artist’s residency with Beaconsfield since June 2012. Combines participatory sculptural objects and a small farm.

Special Events

Friday 22 February, from 6pm: Exhibition opening event, as part of February LAST Fridays with Bankside Afterparty
Saturday 16 March at 3pmInterpreting Monoculture: Selfies & Sadism, with Naomi Siderfin and Judith Dean
Saturday 23 March at 3pm: Tamsyn Challenger in conversation with Fran Cottell, Rebecca Fortnum and Hannah Philp, chaired by Naomi Siderfin: How far do contemporary women artists identify with feminism?
Wednesday 27 March at 11amMonoculture Coffee Morning
Saturday 6 April at 3pmRachael House responds to Monoculture

Touch.30 at Beaconsfield: Atmospheres 4

Wednesday 5 & Thursday 6 December 2012 

Two-day festival at Beaconsfield celebrating 30 years of Touch, with performances, installations and displays, plus a series of presentations and talks.

Curated by two of Touch’s founders and the current creative team, Mike Harding and Jon Wozencroft.

Buy tickets now from the TouchShop.

Please note that during this event Beaconsfield’s site will be closed to non ticket holders.

Tereza Buskova & Matthew Cowan: Experiments in Ritual

Friday 30 November 2012, 6-8.30pm
November LAST Fridays

Earlier this year Buskova and Cowan joined Tamsyn Challenger in her ongoing investigations into Monoculture.

This special screening will premier new video works from this engagement.

As part of the South London Art Map LAST Fridays late openings.

South London Art Map Logo

Monica Ross and Children of Class 4: Act 47

Anniversary – an act of memory
solo, collective and multi-lingual recitations from memory of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
a performance series in 60 Acts

Closed workshops in November: Cathedral Primary School of St Saviour and St Mary Overy

Public Performance: Tuesday 13 November 2012 at 1.30pm

Southwark Cathedral, London Bridge, London SE1 9DA

A public recitation of the entire text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from memory by the children of Class 4, The Cathedral School of St Saviour and St Mary Overy with artist Monica Ross.

As part of Anniversary – an act of memory: a performance series in 60 acts.

Atelier: artists at work on site

Tamsyn Challenger | David Crawforth | Judith Dean | Rachel Garfield | Bruce Gilbert | Naomi Siderfin | Caroline Wright
Saturday 22 & Sunday 23 September 2012, 11am-5pm

As part of Open House London

Weekend-long public dialogue about the ideas governing Beaconsfield as a creative base for critical enquiry. Explore the venue through traces of past projects, permanent on-site artworks, resident artists, temporary installations and a series of live events.